FEATURE TOPIC (2023/2024):

Why It’s Important for Salespeople to Understand and Leverage the Cloud Marketplaces

From an individual salesperson’s perspective:


Many salespeople have no idea that the Cloud Marketplaces offer a variety of rich customer benefits they can use to capture new customers, accelerate deals, and increase revenue in existing deals.

In addition, most salespeople are either intimidated by the Cloud Providers or they just don’t know how to engage with them in order to more effectively drive Marketplace-related deals.

The build-it-and-they-will-come perception of the Cloud Marketplaces still persists in the SaaS & cloud ecosystem, and that translates to salespeople having no interest.

They will care if the function of the Marketplaces is demystified, if the benefits are explained as advantages in the sales process, and if they see that they can use the Marketplaces to increase revenue in deals and close deals faster. In addition, they can work with the Cloud Providers to gain further control of the sales process, partner more effectively in deals, and fully leverage the ecosystem to close more deals.

I will touch on the unfortunate dynamic in my presentation, but I will focus mostly on explaining the benefits and how they fit into the sales process.


Many salespeople have no idea that the Cloud Marketplaces offer a variety of rich customer benefits they can use to capture new customers, accelerate deals, and increase revenue in existing deals.

In addition, most salespeople are either intimidated by the Cloud Providers or they just don’t know how to engage with them in order to more effectively drive Marketplace-related deals.

The build-it-and-they-will-come perception of the Cloud Marketplaces still persists in the SaaS & cloud ecosystem, and that translates to salespeople having no interest.

They will care if the function of the Marketplaces is demystified, if the benefits are explained as advantages in the sales process, and if they see that they can use the Marketplaces to increase revenue in deals and close deals faster. In addition, they can work with the Cloud Providers to gain further control of the sales process, partner more effectively in deals, and fully leverage the ecosystem to close more deals.

I will touch on the unfortunate dynamic in my presentation, but I will focus mostly on explaining the benefits and how they fit into the sales process.


Salespeople need to understand that they are key to the success of the Cloud Marketplace go-to-market effort. If they take control and drive deals to the Cloud Marketplaces, they will have all kinds of leverage and advantages in the process.

Right now the go to market effort is all jammed up in transaction. Consulting companies and software solutions are cropping up all over the place, focused on the operational effort to co-sell and transact. Very few sales teams have figured out that they can benefit greatly by building the benefits of the Cloud Marketplaces into the sales process.

Once salespeople understand that (a) they are key to the Cloud Marketplace/Cloud Provider go-to-market effort, and (b) get up to speed on the benefits and how leveraging them will greatly enhance the sales process and outcomes, they will be more bought in.

If you want to supercharge your Cloud Marketplace listing and effectively co-sell with the Cloud Providers, your sales team needs to learn how to engage in and execute a sales process that builds in the benefits of the Cloud Marketplaces.

I’ll conclude the speaking engagement by making sure it is clear how sales people fit in and how important it is to their own success as well as the success of the Cloud Marketplace go-to-market effort.

FEATURE TOPIC (2023/2024):

Why It’s Important for Salespeople to Understand and Leverage the Cloud Marketplaces

From an individual salesperson’s perspective:


Many salespeople have no idea that the Cloud Marketplaces offer a variety of rich customer benefits they can use to capture new customers, accelerate deals, and increase revenue in existing deals.

In addition, most salespeople are either intimidated by the Cloud Providers or they just don’t know how to engage with them in order to more effectively drive Marketplace-related deals.

The build-it-and-they-will-come perception of the Cloud Marketplaces still persists in the SaaS & cloud ecosystem, and that translates to salespeople having no interest.

They will care if the function of the Marketplaces is demystified, if the benefits are explained as advantages in the sales process, and if they see that they can use the Marketplaces to increase revenue in deals and close deals faster. In addition, they can work with the Cloud Providers to gain further control of the sales process, partner more effectively in deals, and fully leverage the ecosystem to close more deals.

I will touch on the unfortunate dynamic in my presentation, but I will focus mostly on explaining the benefits and how they fit into the sales process.


Many salespeople have no idea that the Cloud Marketplaces offer a variety of rich customer benefits they can use to capture new customers, accelerate deals, and increase revenue in existing deals.

In addition, most salespeople are either intimidated by the Cloud Providers or they just don’t know how to engage with them in order to more effectively drive Marketplace-related deals.

The build-it-and-they-will-come perception of the Cloud Marketplaces still persists in the SaaS & cloud ecosystem, and that translates to salespeople having no interest.

They will care if the function of the Marketplaces is demystified, if the benefits are explained as advantages in the sales process, and if they see that they can use the Marketplaces to increase revenue in deals and close deals faster. In addition, they can work with the Cloud Providers to gain further control of the sales process, partner more effectively in deals, and fully leverage the ecosystem to close more deals.

I will touch on the unfortunate dynamic in my presentation, but I will focus mostly on explaining the benefits and how they fit into the sales process.


Salespeople need to understand that they are key to the success of the Cloud Marketplace go-to-market effort. If they take control and drive deals to the Cloud Marketplaces, they will have all kinds of leverage and advantages in the process.

Right now the go to market effort is all jammed up in transaction. Consulting companies and software solutions are cropping up all over the place, focused on the operational effort to co-sell and transact. Very few sales teams have figured out that they can benefit greatly by building the benefits of the Cloud Marketplaces into the sales process.

Once salespeople understand that (a) they are key to the Cloud Marketplace/Cloud Provider go-to-market effort, and (b) get up to speed on the benefits and how leveraging them will greatly enhance the sales process and outcomes, they will be more bought in.

If you want to supercharge your Cloud Marketplace listing and effectively co-sell with the Cloud Providers, your sales team needs to learn how to engage in and execute a sales process that builds in the benefits of the Cloud Marketplaces.

I’ll conclude the speaking engagement by making sure it is clear how sales people fit in and how important it is to their own success as well as the success of the Cloud Marketplace go-to-market effort.



Your Cloud Marketplace listing will not be relevant or generate significant revenue unless you get your sales teams up to speed.

Co-selling at a partner and system level is important, but co-selling at a field level is what will truly drive your marketplace business.

Your sales teams need to start talking about Cloud Marketplace benefits early and often in order for your listing to be productive. Most salespeople don’t even know their efforts are the key to making the listing and co-selling work. Unaware of how they fit in, they don’t yet care about the Marketplace benefits they can leverage to maximize revenue and close deals faster.

If you put in the upfront effort of getting the sales team up to speed, the listing will be productive and the co-sell effort will take off.

My objective with a speaking engagement is to get their attention and motivate them to transact using your marketplace listing(s).


Building the benefits of the Cloud Marketplaces will help your team maximize revenue and close deals faster.

Learning how to co-sell with the Cloud Providers at a field level is currently a huge competitive differentiator.

Get your team up to speed on how to leverage the Cloud Marketplaces and effectively co-sell with the Cloud Providers at a field level or you will be losing out on opportunities to increase revenue and accelerate deals. You will also be at a serious disadvantage to competitors who have it figured out.

Most salespeople are set in their ways and hate training. The intent of my coaching approach is to make it easy for them by making it simple, accessible, and consistently updated in the future.

But first they need to understand why it’s critical to learn the cloud marketplaces and where they fit in. Once they’re clued in on how they fit in, they will see how impactful Cloud Marketplace Selling can be.



Your Cloud Marketplace listing will not be relevant or generate significant revenue unless you get your sales teams up to speed.

Co-selling at a partner and system level is important, but co-selling at a field level is what will truly drive your marketplace business.

Your sales teams need to start talking about Cloud Marketplace benefits early and often in order for your listing to be productive. Most salespeople don’t even know their efforts are the key to making the listing and co-selling work. Unaware of how they fit in, they don’t yet care about the Marketplace benefits they can leverage to maximize revenue and close deals faster.

If you put in the upfront effort of getting the sales team up to speed, the listing will be productive and the co-sell effort will take off.

My objective with a speaking engagement is to get their attention and motivate them to transact using your marketplace listing(s).


Building the benefits of the Cloud Marketplaces will help your team maximize revenue and close deals faster.

Learning how to co-sell with the Cloud Providers at a field level is currently a huge competitive differentiator.

Get your team up to speed on how to leverage the Cloud Marketplaces and effectively co-sell with the Cloud Providers at a field level or you will be losing out on opportunities to increase revenue and accelerate deals. You will also be at a serious disadvantage to competitors who have it figured out.

Most salespeople are set in their ways and hate training. The intent of my coaching approach is to make it easy for them by making it simple, accessible, and consistently updated in the future.

But first they need to understand why it’s critical to learn the cloud marketplaces and where they fit in. Once they’re clued in on how they fit in, they will see how impactful Cloud Marketplace Selling can be.